Building Bridges between Volunteer Leaders, Managers and the Business Partners that provide services to Community Associations.

Who We Are

The Bay Area & Central CA Chapter of the Community Associations Institute serves the educational, business, and networking needs of community associations from the Bay Area and Central California, extending from Sonoma County to Monterey County and from San Joaquin County to Fresno County. Members include condominium, cooperative, and homeowner associations, as well as those who provide services and products to associations.

The CAI BayCen Chapter has more than 600 members, including over 180 businesses, and over 100 Homeowner Association leaders representing several thousand households. The chapter is one of 63 chapters worldwide, including Canada, the Middle East and South Africa, and relationships with housing leaders in a number of other countries, including Australia and the United Kingdom.

2025 Marketing Plan

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CAI BayCen Bylaws

Bylaws of San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of Community Associations Institute.              

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Why You Should Join

The CAI BayCen Chapter has the largest geographic outreach, more than any other California Chapter. Billions of dollars are in demand annually for products and services for Bay Area and Central Valley common interest developments. Manager and Board Member attendance and participation at our events is at an all-time high.

New Chapter educational forums are being created annually. Your involvement provides you the necessary support and best resources available to be educated, knowledgeable, prepared and connected so you can lead your community successfully. 

By investing in a membership, CAI will provide you with insider insight on the latest community innovations worldwide, time and money-saving tools, and opportunities to share information and knowledge with your peers.​


What We Do

What Is CAI?

CAI is a worldwide membership association that provides information, education and resources to all those involved in community association governance and management. CAI’s 30,000-plus members include homeowner volunteer leaders, community managers, association management companies and other professional service providers.

Working in partnership with 59 domestic chapters, one international chapter and housing leaders in other nations, CAI also advocates on behalf of common-interest communities before legislatures, regulatory bodies and the courts.

We believe homeowner and condominium associations should strive to exceed the expectations of their residents. We work toward this objective by identifying and meeting the evolving needs of the homeowner leaders and professionals who serve associations and by helping our members learn, achieve and excel. Our mission is to inspire professionalism, effective leadership and responsible citizenship, ideals reflected in communities that are preferred places to call home.

CAI National
Homeowner Satisfaction Survey
HOA Resources

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